Wednesday, July 09, 2008

The 4th of July in Utah

Mark and I drove to Utah for the holiday. It was glorious to see Sam andd Lucas. Here are all the people at Mark's Birthday party bbq. Tiana had planned a really fun meal and a Charades game about Mark's past.We had dinner with Grandma and Grandpa Hogan, Eric and Carolee and Leslie at Gardner Villiage.
JJ can talk much better and so Sam wants to play with him. They get along great sometimes and other times......
Bryce blew up his raft and Mark brought inner tubes. We took turns floating down the icy Provo River.
Lily especially loved the inner tubes. We had to wrestle her to get one to float down the river.


b-ryce said...

great trip!

Aqualung said...

Such great memories. Love you dear.

Celeste said...

You and your sister are still so good-looking!