Monday, January 01, 2007

2nd try at the Cannibal picture

Everyone was here for New Years except Tiana (on her mission) and Don (still in boot camp) so we dressed up and made another attempt at the the last big family px. It was glorious having Sammy running around the house screaming while Grandpa or Brad or Austin chased him. He never walks anywhere, he only runs. The main level is kind of a circle and Austin would put shoes in Sammy's path near the front door and Sammy would plow into them without looking every time. Jensen is adorable and so fun to hold an kiss. We played lots of the European and American train game, ate way too much fudge, and delicacies from the Lion house Christmas cookbook and generally enjoyed being snowed in for Christmas Holidays. The highlight was on the 29th when we went to the temple and Austin got his endowments out for his mission. We were the only patrons in the temple because of the snow storm and it was really great to have an entire prayer circle with just our family. I wish every mom could be so lucky to feast her eyes on grown children in this way.

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