Sunday, February 08, 2009

Oh my goodness! Austin is Home!

He's here. He's really here. Minus a few teeth---but taller and better. We picked him up from the airport on Friday the 6th. So confident and mature. Where did that little boy we sent out go? He couldn't get over the mountains on the way home from the beautiful they are......He's still a big goofball.....but now he's a spiritual man with goals and agendas. At one point I was making dinner in the kitchen HE CAME IN TO HELP ME and when were done, he said, "What should I do now.?" It's like he's trying to schedule every moment and make it count. It was amazing. And he finishes a lot of sentences with "aye"


Celeste said...

oh my! Austin does look soo much older!

b-ryce said...

I love that boy! don't you mean he finishes his sentences with "eh"? Thanks for posting the pics