I talked Mark into buying us these mt. bikes. "Hard Tails" have just one suspension on the front. These were "full suspension" Which means nice for over 50 year old backs and butts. We started on an easy trail and took a 2 hour ride through the forest near Dillon. The mountains were breathtaking and even with the beetle kill, beautifully green, very fragrant with a sparkling lake. Mark points out that this year, 2008:
I started skiing and enjoying it
I got scuba certified
I'm taking riding lessons
We started trail riding with our mtn. bikes
There are some big advantages to having the kids all grown and raising their own chillen!
Mom, you look so skinny and young on that bike! I'm so impressed with you doing all these physically hard things. You are in much better shape then I am.
Also you are a supreme garage sale shopper.
Having done all those things this year, makes me wonder what does this super wife and mom have in store for next year that could possibly top this years adventures.
Wow you look great in those hot red shorts:)
nice wheels!
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